Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul Page 33
The Rainbow Bridge. Excerpted from The Rainbow Bridge by Paul C. Dahm. ©1997 by Paul C. Dahm.
That Dog Disguise Isn’t Fooling Anyone. Reprinted by permission of Jennifer Warnes and Shawnacy Kiker. ©1997 Jennifer Warnes and Shawnacy Kiker.
Rites of Passage. Reprinted by permission of Robin Downing, D.V.M. ©1997 Robin Downing, D.V.M.
Toto’s Last Christmas. Reprinted by permission of Janet Foley, D.V.M. ©1997 Janet Foley, D.V.M.
Good Neighbors. Reprinted by permission of Marion Bond West. ©1997 Marion Bond West.
The Cat and the Cat Burglar. Reprinted by permission of Laya Schaetzel-Hawthorne. ©1997 Laya Schaetzel-Hawthorne.
The Auction. From MAYBE (MAYBE NOT) by Robert Fulghum. ©1993 by Robert Fulghum. Reprinted by permission of Villard Books, a division of Random House, Inc.
Sing We Noel. Reprinted by permission of Toni Fulco. ©1997 Toni Fulco.
Taking the Zip Out of Zippy. From DAVE BARRY TALKS BACK by Dave Barry. ©1992 by Dave Barry. Reprinted by permission of Crown Publishers, Inc.
The Ice Breaker. Reprinted by permission of Diane Williamson. ©1997 Diane Williamson.
Kids Say the Darndest Things—About Dogs. Reprinted by permission of Art Linkletter. ©1997 Art Linkletter.
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. Reprinted by permission of Susan F. Roman. ©1997 Susan F. Roman.
The Legacy. Reprinted by permission of Jeff Werber, D.V.M. ©1997 Jeff Werber, D.V.M.
The Truth About Annie. Reprinted by permission of Judy Doyle. ©1997 Judy Doyle. A Vet’s Wages. Reprinted by permission of George Baker, D.V.M. ©1997 George Baker, D.V.M.