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Chicken Soup for the College Soul
Chicken Soup for the College Soul Read online
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title : Chicken Soup for the College Soul : Inspiring and Humorous Stories About College
author : Canfield, Jack
publisher : Health Communications, Inc.
isbn10 | asin :
print isbn13 : 9781558747029
ebook isbn13 : 9780585101569
language : English
subject College students--Conduct of life.
publication date : 1999
lcc : BJ1661.C26 1999eb
ddc : 158.1/28/0842
subject : College students--Conduct of life.
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What People Are Saying About
Chicken Soup for the College Soul . . .
"Many of my most vivid memories and challenges happened during my college years at the University of Oklahoma. The mechanics of achievement that I learned have helped me move from being a student-athlete to an Olympic Champion and an achiever in the so-called 'real world.' Chicken Soup for the College Soul focuses on the critical years when we are setting the path for our future. I am sure readers will be inspired by the touching anecdotes that have made the Chicken Soup series so successful. I give it a 10.0!"
Bart Conner
1984 Olympic Gold Medal gymnast
sports commentator
"Chicken Soup for the College Soul is the hottest hit on college campuses today."
Rick Dees
Rick Dees Weekly Top 40
"If you enjoyed my story of my experience at Notre Dame, you will love the stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul."
Rudy Ruettlinger
of the Tri-Star motion picture, Rudy
"As a former college administrator for twenty-two years and the current executive director of an association focused on development issues for college students, I can recommend Chicken Soup for the College Soul as a valuable resource for students and parents. These inspiring stories provide insight into the types of learning so important to students as they prepare for life beyond college."
Alan B. Davis
executive director, National Association for Campus Activities
"Absolutely amazing! College is such a critical time in one's life journey, and this book inspires, empowers, and guides anyone in college or entering college. This book has encouraged me to never give up on my dreams, no matter what."
Elizabeth Randazzese
president, Student Government Association
junior, Rowan University
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"I attribute my success as a family man, football player and businessman to the inspirational principles found in Chicken Soup for the College Soul. I highly recommend this book to all young people everywhere."
Roger Staubach
chairman and CEO, The Staubach Company
Heisman Trophy winner, 1963
NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback, 1985
Super Bowl MVP
"College is such a unique time and can be such a uniquely wonderful time if a student is inspired to make the most of it. Chicken Soup for the College Soul brings to lifesometimes poignantly, sometimes pointedly and sometimes pleasurablythat the fullest trip through college is a wide-ranging exploration of curricular, extracurricular and personal opportunities."
Gregory F. Hauser, Esq.
president, National Interfraternity Conference
"I am so glad to see the Chicken Soup series expanded to include college students. In fact, I first heard about these books from one of my own children, a college freshman. These are fun and happy books that help all of us in our daily need for practical wisdom and inspiration. I gladly recommend this newest book for the college student."
Dr. Robert B. Sloan Jr.
president, Baylor University
"These heartfelt stories remind me how truly generous, caring, and dedicated many college campus leaders are today! And they inspire me, too!"
W. H. "Butch" Oxendine Jr.
publisher and editor in chief, Student Leader Magazine
"The college experience, especially in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, involves far more than what takes place in the classroom. Chicken Soup for the College Soul is not just a collection of stories; it is a compilation of the many experiences that students endure as they progress through this oftentimes challenging period in their lives. Some of those experiences are inspirational and moving, others simply amusing and entertaining. This book, no doubt, could be a valuable
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companion throughout a student's entire collegiate career, providing incentive, motivation, and reassurance that everything will work out."
James H. McCormick
chancellor, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education
"This latest Chicken Soup publication is a very readable and poignant reminder that the individuals who benefit the most from college are the ones who are open to new experiences and appreciate people who are different from them. This is must reading for college students of all ages."
Paul M. Oliaro
vice president for Student Affairs, West Chester University
"I read this book toward the end of my freshman year at college. I laughed so hard (and cried, too) that my roommates thought I was crazy. Before long they insisted that I read the stories out loud so they could share in the laughter (or tears)."
Lia Gay
student, University of Kansas
"Chicken Soup for the College Soul serves up a taste of what every student needs: love, hope, and encouragement. It will warm your heart, touch your soul and empower you to go for your dreams. Every student should read this book!"
James Malinchak
author, From College to the Real World
"College is so stressful and so often you just want to get in bed and pull the covers over your head. Curling up with this book is the perfect medicine for 'a day in the life of a college student.' "
Matt Boucher
college student
"This book captures the true essence of the college experience. Chicken Soup for the College Soul shares touching and inspirational stories about the most important lessons learned in college, the ones outside the classroom. Chicken Soup for the College Soul is a must-have during this pivotal stage in personal development called 'college.' "
Jeremy Louis Harman
director, Conference on Student Government Associations
student, Texas A & M University
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"My college days were so filled with the unknown and the unexpected. Even after taking a year off as Miss America between my sophomore and junior years, I would still constantly worry about the wisdom of my decisions, the disappointment of new failures and the knowledge that giving up wasn't an option. College was a concentrated time for my young mind to learn how to react to challenge . . . and to teach myself in practicality the old saying, 'Success is never final, and failure is never fatal.' Chicken Soup for the College Soul inspires students to not just survive college, but to feast on the character-defining moments unique to the college experience."
Sharlene Hawkes
former Miss America
"Some of the most moving and inspirational stories come from the experiences of college-age adults. However, your soul does not have to be college age to be touched and motivated by this extraordinary book."
Grant Teaff
executive director, American Football Coaches Association
"Chicken Soup for the College Soul is the perfect recipe to keep us warm and wise during life's 'winter' moments. Just a few pages and our fire is relit, propelling us forward, once again, to go back out into the world and shine!"
Cathy Lee Crosby
actress, producer
author, Let the Magic Begin
"Chicken Soup for the Soul has done it again! It reminds us that a good deed, an act of kindness or simply sharing oneself honestly with others can be life changing."
Derick Morat
director of student activities & University Center, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California
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Chicken Soup for the College Soul
Inspiring and Humorous Stories About College
Jack Canfield
Mark Victor Hansen
Kimberly Kirberger
Dan Clark
Health Communications, Inc.
Deerfield Beach, Florida
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We would like to acknowledge the following publishers and individuals for permission to reprint the following material. (Note: The stories that were penned anonymously, that are in the public domain, or that were written by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger or Dan Clark are not included in this listing.)
Common Ground. Reprinted by permission of Megan Narcini. ©1999 Megan Narcini.
The Wonder Years. Reprinted by permission of William Morris Agency, Inc. on behalf of the author. Copyright ©1990 by Hugh Gallagher.
Never Say Never. Reprinted by permission of Rosa Torcasio. ©1999 Rosa Torcasio.
College Bound. Reprinted by permission of Dave Barry. ©1998 Dave Barry.
Bloopers from College Admission Essays. Reprinted by p
ermission of Richard Lederer. ©1999 Richard Lederer.
Strange Scholarships. Reprinted from Uncle John's Great Big Bathroom Reader by The Bathroom Readers' Institute. Copyright ©1998 by Bathroom Readers' Press, www.bathroomreader.com Reprinted with permission.
(Continued on page 337)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Chicken soup for the college soul: inspiring and humorous stories about college /
[compiled by] Jack Canfield . . . [et al.].
p. cm.
ISBN 1-55874-703-6 (hardcover).ISBN 1-55874-702-8 (pbk.).ISBN 1-55874-
705-2 (audio tape).ISBN 1-55874-704-4 (audio CD).
1. College studentsConduct of life. I. Canfield, Jack, date.
BJ1661.C26 1999 99-22238
158.1'28'0842dc21 CIP
©1999 Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.
ISBN 1-55874-702-8 (trade paper) ISBN 1-55874-703-6 (hardcover)
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.
Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
3201 S.W. 15th Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190
Cover redesign by Andrea Perrine Brower
Book design by Lawna Patterson Oldfield
Cover photo ©1999 Terry Wild Studio
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From our hearts to yours,
we dedicate this book to everyone
who has ever attempted to better his or her life
through the pursuit of a higher education.
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From a Previous Reader
Share with Us
1. Getting in
The Wonder Years
Hugh Gallagher
Never Say Never
Rosa Torcasio
College Bound
Dave Barry
Bloopers from College Admission Essays
Richard Lederer
Strange Scholarships
Uncle John's Great Big Bathroom Reader
The Envelope, Please
Rory Evans
If the Dream Is Big Enough, the Facts Don't Count
Cynthia Stewart-Copier
Jamie Winship
Inspiration Can Be Anywhere
Cerie L. Couture
A Proposal to Myself
Sarah Lockyer
2. Transition
Good-Bye, Mr. Blib
Beth Mullally
A Dad Says Good-Bye
Joseph Danziger
College Talk
Kimberly Kirberger
Page x
The "No Hug" Rule
Cheryl Costello-Forshey
Shoes in the Shower
Lia Gay and Rebecca Hart
Deck the Halls
Melanie Fester
A Letter from College
Adam Christing
The Times I Called Home from College
Scott Greenberg
The Long Road Home
Lia Gay
Breakdown of Family Traced to Psych. 1 Student
Beth Mullally
3. Lessons From the Classromm
Tal Vigderson
Making the Grade
Varda One
The Good, the Bad and the Emmy
David Wiemers
The Thought Card
Hanoch McCarty
I Passed the Test
Paula Lopez-Crespin
The Wicker Chair
Eva Rosenberg
Mary J. Davis
How to Get an A on Your Final Exam
Tony D'Angelo
A Compassionate Philosophy
Kristi Nay
Library Science
Jenna McCarthy
Your Legacy
Tony D'Angelo